One of the most exciting things coming out of the crafting community this year has been the Cricut Mug Press launch. We have been waiting for something like this incredible device ever since Cricut announced Infusible Ink, and I’m so thrilled to have it and get to use it. Now we can personalize mugs with ease while knowing our creations are microwave and dishwasher safe.
Watch the video below to learn everything you need to know about Cricut Mug Press
If you want to use the design I created with Cricut Access images here you have the links, remember to be able to use them you need to be subscribe to Cricut Access.

Una de las noticias más emocionantes en la comunidad de crafter este año es el lanzamiento de Cricut Mug Press, lo hemos estado esperando desde que Cricut lanzó el material Infusible Ink, y estoy muy emocionada de tenerlo y usarlo. Ahora podemos personalizar tazas aptas para microondas y lavavajillas.
Ve el video para aprender todo lo que necesitas saber sobre esta Cricut Mug Press.
Si quieres usar los diseños que arme con imagenes de Cricut Acess, tienes los enlaces debajo, para poder usarlos tienes que estar suscrita a Cricut Access

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