I can’t believe I had never used Window Cling before. Was I living under a rock?!
After just one use, this material has become one of my favorite Cricut products. If you’re not familiar with this material, it is a non-adhesive which “clings” to most nonporous surfaces and removes easily without leaving behind residue.
I’m going to make some Halloween decorations, but you can use what you learn in the following video for decorations or events of all sorts.
Here are the links to the files I put together for the Halloween decorations “Eat, Drink and be Scary” and “The Witch is In“, to be able to use them you’ll need to have Cricut Access.
Watch the video tutorial and learn how delightful Window Cling is.

No puedo creer que nunca antes había usado Window Cling. ¡¿Estaba viviendo debajo de una roca ?!
Después de un solo uso, este material se ha convertido en uno de mis productos favoritos de Cricut. Si no está familiarizado con este material, es un no adhesivo que se “adhiere” a la mayoría de las superficies no porosas y se quita fácilmente sin dejar residuos.
Voy a hacer algunas decoraciones de Halloween, pero puedes usar lo que aprendas en el siguiente video para decoraciones o eventos de todo tipo.
Aqui estan los enlaces de los proyectos de Halloween que arme ” Eat, Drink and be Scary” y “The Witch is In“, para poder usarlos tienes que estar suscrita a Cricut Access
Ve el video tutorial para aprender como user Window Cling.
If you liked this post, I’d so appreciate your pins and shares! If you make these Pottery Barn Inspired decorations, please share a pic on my Facebook page or tag me on Instagram @avantimorocha_1. I’d love to see it.

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